“Examining the ups and downs of virtual space management in the past decade; an impenetrable fortress or a shaky fence? / Nasim Sultanbeygi”
Major Hog is an old pig character among the book characters.
Animal Castle
The symbol of theoretical discourse is considered. For him, it is like a bright day when all the misfortunes of life are caused by the selfishness of humans and the only way out of this situation is to be freed from the burden of being human. It is from these words that a revolution against the owner of the farm takes shape, a revolution that ultimately frees them from slavery, but with the rise of the pig class, their desires remain unfulfilled and it turns into a dictatorship where the difference between pig and human seems impossible.
In these days, it may be possible to change the place of the two words of self-sufficiency and the internet and say that all the disasters of their lives are from the internet and the way out of the situation is also to be freed from the internet. This is the point where the theory of protecting users in the virtual space begins; a plan that can, on the one hand, impose some restrictions and, on the other hand, make the blocking institutions transparent and clear and provide the possibility of accountability for civil society more than ever before; although there is still a long way to go to reach the end of the story of protecting users in the virtual space, and we can still hope for a different outcome, but what we have seen so far has many similarities with the narrative of a book.
It is happening. In this report, we review the ups and downs of a project that carries the name of protection.
First step; from management to limitation.
The sound of protest against the so-called “Preservation Plan” is still loud. The latest protest was raised at the Web and Mobile Festival, where they announced in a statement that they will not even hold the closing ceremony of the festival online, as they believe that holding such an event in these circumstances will not only not heal the wounds of online businesses, but may also be the cause of further anxiety for those involved in this ambiguous and dark space. However, the beginning of what the judges of the Web and Mobile Festival call an ambiguous and dark space started a decade ago. It was in the middle of the month of Esfand in 1390 (February/March 2012) that the first step was taken towards what is now known as the “Preservation Plan” for internet users. The leader of the Islamic Republic, in a decree, referred to the effects of the global internet network on personal and social life and emphasized the necessity of planning and coordination to protect against its harms
The leader of the Islamic Republic has spoken about the necessity of managing the virtual space and creating a national information network in various speeches. In some meetings with government officials, he expressed frustration over the lack of progress in building the national information network. Finally, the requirements for the national information network were outlined in the Supreme Council of Virtual Space in Azar month of 1395. In the section related to the management of the national information network and the requirements for its independence, it is stated in the fourth clause that: “Unified management is implemented in the allocation and optimal use of national resources and monitoring it in a way that enables independent management, especially in the event of the network being separated from the global internet.” This is exactly what seems to have been tested with the complete shutdown of the global internet in Aban month of 1398. After the complete shutdown of the global internet in Aban month of 1398, it became clear that the country did not have satisfactory performance in the development
Step two; a war for conquest and victory.
However, the leader of the Islamic Republic once again complained about the neglect of his emphasis in the first speech of the year 1400 and announced that necessary measures are not being taken in the field of cyberspace. In this speech, he emphasized that undoubtedly cyberspace is a means of freedom for the people and said, “We should not give this tool to the enemy to conspire against the country and the nation.” In August 2021, the first version of the plan to protect users in cyberspace was published, which was met with strong reactions from the people and owners of online businesses. Users of cyberspace protested in a campaign by collecting over one million digital signatures to express their opposition to this plan. This number of digital signatures was registered for the first time in the country in protest against a government plan.
The boxer in the book.
“The horse is a symbol of the working class and famously declares in dialogue that ‘I will work harder than anyone else’ in the face of any event. The Scholar is also a fat pig who is considered a symbol of the media. In a section of the book…”
Animal Castle
After a long battle to reclaim the windmill that had been turned into ruins after the war, the sound of gunfire is heard and Skoeller responds to the boxer’s protest by saying, “We have celebrated victory.” The boxer says again, “We have taken back what we had before,” and Skoeller replies, “That is the meaning of victory.” Social media users were also able to conquer the virtual space with their protest campaign, and the protection plan was removed from the public agenda and returned to the Special Commission for further review. However, in an extraordinary move, the commission voted on the general provisions of the new version in February and approved it with nineteen votes in favor. Once again, waves of protests began and ultimately, due to the inconsistency of this vote with the internal regulations of the parliament, the presiding board declared the vote null and void, leaving the virtual space still conquered in the hands of its users.
Step Three: From Limitation to Accepting Responsibility
“However, this event had an important achievement; finally, the final version of the plan for protecting the rights of users was changed and was published on February 9, 2021, under the name “System for Regulating Virtual Space Services”. In this new version, one of the most controversial issues raised in the initial plan was removed and there was no longer any mention of a single window for obtaining licenses for foreign applications such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Emadaldin Payande, a researcher in the field of “Fava” in response to the question of whether this plan restricts the freedom of users, says: “I am talking about the February version and I believe that this plan does not lead to the restriction of users’ freedom and this statement does not tell the whole truth for three reasons. The first point is that according to this plan, for the first time in the country, the responsibility for blocking, which has no executive guarantee in the law, has been raised and
Step four; Non-governmental policy making.
He continues to talk about his second reason for rejecting the statement that the February version of the plan known as “User Protection Plan” does not limit users. He says, “In this plan, there are no requirements for monitoring users, and the requirements for monitoring users have been placed in a new layer of the policymaking and regulatory system, known as the “Regulatory Bodies” or “Regulators.” Regulators, as the first or only institutions with direct communication with the private sector, have the opportunity to be more structurally and democratically sound and to address various issues, which cannot be discussed in this interview, in a more specialized and people-oriented manner, compared to government institutions such as the Supreme Council of Cyberspace and the National Center for Cyberspace and even the various councils that exist in the country.”
According to him, these institutions can have more developmental opinions and he explains, “When they were asked to legislate a section of the law and comply with certain principles in
He continues to talk about his third reason: “If we consider the limitations on user freedom in discussions about foreign platforms and businesses, I see a hopeful signal in this regard in the Bahman Plan. There are several serious measures in place that have been allocated income, resources, and budget to provide real support for domestic businesses. And if we take into account a portion of users as small and medium-sized businesses, many people will benefit from this issue.” He also talks about the clauses that have the potential to restrict user freedom: “Honestly and realistically, the clause regarding VPNs in this plan, if the implementation process and necessary measures are not properly followed and the intervention of regulatory bodies and industry associations is not considered and respected, could potentially lead to further restrictions on user freedom in the virtual space in the country.”
Fifth step; Satellite internet does not come to Iran.
The released version in Bahman month does not have any negative impact or outcome for online businesses and goes on to say: “Even the licensing mechanism envisioned in this plan – if we see the current reality – has become simpler and facilitates the chaotic and confused process and the lack of adherence to current laws for businesses that are wandering between different institutions.” In response to another question about whether satellite internet can be considered as an alternative in our country, he responds: “The issue of satellite internet is currently being discussed and studied in our country’s virtual space center. Matters such as how feasible and commercializable it is, to what extent it is available for the end consumer, and how much potential there is for countering drone attacks and enforcing strict laws are being examined.” He continues: “The question of whether satellites can be removed from orbit and have other forms of enforcement is also another topic; because we know that the overall mechanism of satellite internet does not allow for any enforcement or supervision. With all these factors
Step six; bandwidth limitation for specific applications.
He responds to another question about the bandwidth situation and the impact of the implementation of a plan called “protection”: “Two things should not be confused; one is the general concept of bandwidth and the other is the bandwidth of specific services or applications. It is not doubtful that the bandwidth of certain applications in our country has changed in some time periods due to security considerations or political judgments and restrictions have been imposed on them, and it is not clear who is responsible for these restrictions. Currently, it can be said without a doubt that this is happening for Instagram; but it is not clear if this issue will expand and become a legal procedure that is easily accessible and usable, there is naturally no correlation between the plan of regulating regulations and this issue.” He explains further: “In order to ensure the implementation of the plan for regulating virtual space services, the implementation of a traffic policy has been proposed, which also requires a guideline that the Ministry of Communications should prepare. If this guideline is prepared and the
He responds to another question about the necessary infrastructure for implementing the plan for regulating virtual space services: “The only necessary and suitable infrastructure for implementing the protection plan is the changes that have been considered in the structure of the Supreme Council of Virtual Space. I know that these changes have not yet been provided and must be approved by the Supreme Council of Virtual Space. Another issue is the provision of budget and support that has been considered, but has not yet been implemented and must be approved.”
Seventh step; The Chinese version is not the national internet for Iran.
While some experts believe that the Iranian government is pursuing a Chinese model of national internet, Payandeh refutes this statement and says, “In my opinion, China is not a successful example of implementing a national internet and their model is different from what we envision in our country.” He further emphasizes that we should not mistake China for North Korea and states, “We need to clarify how foreign investors, platforms, and competitiveness in venture capital development, digital ecosystem development, and many other aspects are being handled in China, which are all different from our perception of China. The idea that everything is filtered and replaced in China is a wrong and exaggerated caricature.” According to him, if such a situation existed in China, it would not have been possible for the country to reach a level where it can directly compete with the US in technology, in all layers from infrastructure to services. Referring to some government institutions, he says, “In my opinion, the recent Ministry of Communications and some other institutions
The year 1400 is coming to an end, while one of the members of the Special Commission for the Protection Plan announces the review of this plan in 1401. Finally, these reviews are still shrouded in a cloud of ambiguity and it is not clear what the fate of the plan, known as the Protection of Virtual Space Users, which changed its name to the System for Regulating Virtual Space Services in Bahman month, will be.
Whether it happens and a dictatorship is established or not; we must still keep an ear out for the news that is expected to come in the year 1401.
Animal Castle Censorship Emadeddin Payandeh Filtering Freedom of speech George Orwell Internet Islamic Consultative Assembly Maintenance plan Monthly Peace Line Magazine Nasim Soltanbegi peace line Peace Line 131 The Commission for the Protection of the Parliament پیمان صلح ماهنامه خط صلح ماهنامه خط صلح