Last updated:

January 28, 2025

Who are the planners of the 10 to 15-year prison sentence for “critical expression”? / Jalal Jalalizadeh

When the historical journey of nations towards freedom is examined and the efforts of European philosophers and thinkers in explaining democratic methods and institutions for the realization of citizenship rights are studied, we find that humanity has paid heavy costs for its own freedom and citizenship rights. Freedom is such a precious gem that the value of thoughts and ideas of every thinker is measured by their stance and defense of various freedoms – especially freedom of speech. If today in various gatherings the names of Aristotle, Plato, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Omar and Ali are mentioned and opinions are expressed about them – whether positive or negative – it is undoubtedly based on their concern for freedom.

The various revolutions that have taken place in countries around the world have had the first slogan of freeing the people from the yoke of tyrants and oppressors.

The Iranian Revolution also carried this slogan, in a way that if you take away the side of freedom, two other sides of benefit will fall from the realm of interest and cannot be useful; because independence without freedom will never have a concept and will not be useful in practice. Countries whose governments are tyrannical and whose citizens are deprived of the blessing of freedom have not taken enough advantage of the blessing of independence and are forced to rely on other powers in addition to suppressing the people to maintain their government. Many examples can be mentioned in the world; Cuba, North Korea, and Middle Eastern countries are examples of this. If there is no freedom, democracy also does not make sense, because in a place where there is no freedom, the actions of will and choice – which are the limit and distinction of humans from animals – do not occur. Islam is also clear; a religion without freedom has no value, because compulsory religion leads to hypocrisy, immorality, and the breaking of the foundation

This introduction makes it clear who the designers of the plan, which will have 10 to 15 years of imprisonment for “critical expression,” are and what their background is. Firstly, they do not have a specific history of victory in the revolution or struggle for the liberation of people from the yoke of tyranny and dictatorship. These springtime residents who are sitting on these chairs with the kindness and mercy of the Guardian Council and other institutions, if they knew the value of freedom, would not be willing to accept this injustice and oppression and would not violate the rights of others. It is not expected from such people to defend the rights of the people or advocate for freedom of expression with this background and way of thinking, because if there were freedom of choice and freedom of expression, it would be very rare for such wonders to find their way to the parliament.

If these designers knew the role and position of the parliament in separating powers and elements of democracy, and the role and responsibility of a representative of the people, they would never agree to a plan or bill that goes against the demands and wishes of the nation or violates their rights. Of course, nothing more is expected from this parliament, as it does not see itself as relying on the votes of the people or as their advocate to defend their rights. A parliament that in three months of protests, did not hear a voice defending the people or offer a solution to the problem. A parliament that started its work by giving empty slogans to solve problems, but not only failed to take any action or steps towards satisfying the oppressed and needy, but also seeks to silence the voices and actions of those who use their pen and voice to defend the rights of the nation and strive for enlightenment in various ways. So that the officials do not make mistakes and fulfill their responsibilities in the best way possible. The more one puts

This plan is clearly against the principles of multiple constitutional laws, the initial slogans of the Iranian Revolution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other international conventions, as well as human nature and the teachings of the Quran, the traditions and words of the Imams and religious leaders. It is hoped that political and civil activists, scholars, intellectuals, and members of the electoral districts of these designers will not remain silent in the face of this ugly and anti-citizenship rights innovation, and by writing articles, giving speeches, and even going in front of the parliament, they will raise their voices in protest against this shameful plan and not allow those who have reached the parliament under the shadow of lack of free choice and do not understand the value of freedom of expression, or perhaps because of their military background and military environments, they only have orders and commands, to pass a plan that will bring shame and disgrace to the parliament and the system and undermine the system in the world and insult the conscience of

While a representative must know that their duty is legislation and oversight, meaning to pass laws that ensure the security and welfare of the people and promote the country’s progress and development in various aspects, they must also have complete oversight over the managers and officials of the country to prevent them from deviating from their duties or abusing their position. They should not pass laws that suspend the fourth pillar of democracy or silence critics, political, media, and civil activists.

Yes! The parliament, which should be a symbol of democracy and formed based on freedom and party activities, now that the party has no role in the formation of the parliament and it is formed in a traditional and council-like manner, and the representative forgets his duties or does not even know the philosophy of the parliament, becomes like a gardener who stands on a branch and cuts the tree. It is clear that with such a parliament, the country is heading in which direction.

Created By: Jalal Jalali‌Zadeh
February 20, 2023


Council Critical opinion Encouraging public minds Expert opinion Expert opinion Freedom Freedom of parties Freedom of speech Islamic Consultative Assembly Islamic Penal Law Jalal Jalali Zadeh Monthly Peace Line Magazine Parliament peace line Peace Line 142 Sixth Council ماهنامه خط صلح