Political development, the way out of economic problems / Mohammad Moghimi
“باور کنید یا نه، همه چیز ممکن است”
“Believe it or not, anything is possible.”
Mohammad Moghimi
After the revolution, our country has always been faced with crises and economic problems. These problems have various causes, most of which are due to political issues. In recent decades, with the intensification of economic sanctions, these problems and crises have escalated and have reached their peak in the past few years. Unfortunately, the situation shows that the economic and living conditions of the people will become even more dire. But the sad reality is that the government is not taking the necessary steps to improve the current situation through adopting rational and principled policies.
The world has experienced two schools of thought in economics: free market (liberal) and state-controlled (social). In summary, the inefficiency of state-controlled economy and the efficiency of free market economy have been the result of this experience. Although free market has become globalized, socialism still moderates its shortcomings, including market failure (lack of balance between supply and demand). This balance has been called welfare state or social democracy, the most successful example of which can be seen in Scandinavian countries. However, after the revolution, our country was influenced by the false attractiveness that the socialist school of thought had for most countries at that time, and our economy moved towards state control. With the start of war and the policies resulting from it, this trend expanded. After the war, the government at the time tried to move towards a free market economy by adopting economic moderation policies, including privatization. However, due to various reasons such as lack of prerequisites (economic liberalization), rule of law and
On the other hand, the discussion of Islamic economics, which is not based on scientific principles, has led to our country being deprived of the use of economic experiences of developed countries. Based on the theory of Islamic economics, Islamic banking (interest-free banking) was formed. These banks justify their banking facilities by using the names of religious contracts such as civil partnership, mudarabah, musharakah, etc. (in religious and legal terms, they are called religious hats). But in reality, these banking facilities are based on interest and it can be said that no institution in the world is as interest-based as Iranian banks. In developed countries, not only do depositors not receive interest, but they also pay taxes. In fact, with this policy, capital is directed from interest-based activities towards productive activities.
Therefore, when the roots of economic production in the country dry up and on the other hand, the country’s economy becomes more dependent on oil, it is natural for capital to flow into speculative activities or buying real estate, coins and currency, which will result in the expansion of non-productive activities and the loss of people’s housing rights and inflation. In such an environment, economic adjustment policies, including privatization, also fail and only lead to the privatization of hospitals, schools and universities, which is against the constitution and human rights (economic, social and cultural rights).
Moreover, economic development requires the government and quasi-governmental institutions to refrain from interfering in the economy and move towards a free market. However, in order to mitigate the consequences of economic liberalization, the government must intervene in areas where the market fails, such as providing public goods, and fulfill its supervisory and supportive role. But the important point is that a free economy and political freedom are interdependent and necessary for each other. Therefore, for economic development, political development, democracy, and adherence to “principles” of good governance, including the rule of law, accountability, transparency, responsibility, independent judiciary, and justice are necessary.
“Economic development and improvement of people’s livelihoods can only be achieved through political development, establishment of democracy, adherence to good governance principles, adoption of rational foreign policies, expansion of international relations, and respect for human rights. It is necessary for the country’s leaders to heed the warning signs and with vigilance, work towards real reform before it is too late. This is essential for the sustainability of government and ensuring the rights of citizens.”

Development Mohammad Moghimi Monthly Peace Line Magazine peace line Political development