Last updated:

January 28, 2025

On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day / Rezvan Moghadam

I am old and half a year, my beloved is unfaithful.

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The purpose of designating global days such as World Children’s Day, Women’s Day, Labor Day, Anti-Homophobia Day, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, etc. is to draw attention to the issues and problems faced by these groups and to raise public awareness through media and education about their rights. Elder abuse and exploitation is a global social issue that affects the health and human rights of millions of elderly people around the world, and it is a matter that deserves the attention of the global community.

From the embryonic stage to death, humans go through various stages. Psychologists consider the stages of human growth after birth to include infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood or maturity, and old age. They consider over sixty-five years old to be the elderly, and those over ninety-five to be very old. With advancements in science and disease prevention and treatment, life expectancy has increased in most human societies, and the definition of old age and elderly has changed and continues to change accordingly. Retirement age is now sixty-seven in some societies, and many retirees are not willing to retire from work and social activities, preferring to continue working.

In addition, the average life expectancy in advanced countries differs greatly from that of countries with low levels of health and welfare. For example, according to United Nations statistics, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Switzerland, and Singapore rank first to fifth respectively with an average life expectancy of around eighty-five years for women and around eighty-two years for men. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Lesotho, and Chad rank in the lowest category. The average life expectancy in these countries is around fifty years. (1).

Therefore, the definition of aging cannot be the same for all countries and it is better to consider aging as a fuzzy concept. In general, aging is a progressive and irreversible process of natural physiological changes in which both physical and mental abilities decline significantly.

However, regardless of the number shown by the calendar age, old age is one of the most difficult periods of life and the elderly are more vulnerable to physical weakness and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, mobility impairment, osteoporosis, vision and hearing loss, memory and cognitive impairment, and difficulty with balance and coordination, and are at risk for further damage.

Elder abuse, or violence against the elderly, includes any intentional or unintentional act, neglect, or mistreatment that causes physical, psychological, or economic harm to an elderly person. Neglecting the needs of the elderly is considered a form of violence and elder abuse. Elder abuse is a significant public health problem. A 2017 study showed that in fifty-two studies conducted in twenty-eight countries in different regions, one in three people (33.4%) over the age of sixty have experienced psychological abuse. Financial abuse was reported in 6.8% of cases.

Most elderly people are more vulnerable to abuse. Elderly people who do not have financial means are more at risk of elder abuse; for example, they do not have retirement benefits or are not receiving social support. In countries like Iran where social services are not provided to people during unemployment, illness, disability, or old age, the rate of elder abuse is higher.

Another group of elderly people are those who suffer from specific diseases such as mental illnesses, Alzheimer’s, and dementia, but are wealthy. Although they have a higher chance of not being abandoned on the streets, they are often financially exploited by their close relatives and even their own children.

Some behaviors that are considered elderly abuse include emotional abuse, financial abuse, and physical abuse in cases where abusers financially depend on the elderly and restrict their access to property, cash, or forcefully transfer their property. Beating and threatening the elderly, neglecting their proper nutrition, insulting, threatening, and disrespecting them are other obvious forms of elderly abuse.

It is interesting to know that elderly people who live with their own families are more likely to become victims of abuse than those who live alone. Even elderly people who maintain their memory until the end of their lives are at risk of abuse. Being neglected and ignored by their children can lead to depression and suicide, which is very common among this group of elderly people. This issue may be seen as a natural consequence of aging and is often overlooked.

Elderly abuse can have serious physical, mental, financial, and social consequences; including, for example, physical injuries, premature death, depression, cognitive decline, financial ruin, and relocation to nursing homes.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that one in every six elderly people experiences some form of abuse, which is higher than previously estimated. It is predicted that this number will continue to rise with the aging population worldwide.

According to Seyyed Hamed Barkati, the Director General of the Office of Population and Family Health at the Ministry of Health, the elderly population in Iran is rapidly increasing. The number of elderly people in the country has reached 8.4 million. (4) Additionally, according to experts’ predictions, by 2021, approximately 19% of the country’s population will be in the elderly age group. This is while there is still no law in place in government programs to protect the elderly.

Elderly individuals are emotional capital and treasure troves of knowledge and experience. Limiting their access to their own assets is a prominent and common form of elder abuse, and the silence of the elderly is not a sign of their satisfaction. Elder abuse is violence and a violation of human rights. Necessary care interventions and financial management programs are needed to prevent elder abuse, as well as safety nets, emergency shelters, multidisciplinary teams, including healthcare, mental health care, adult protective services, and long-term care services.


1- Hope for the life of the world population.


Jahansanj… (This is not a complete sentence, it could be a name or a title)

2- Elderly abuse.


World Health Organization (WHO), October 4, 2021.

3- The same…

4- Director General of Population and Family Health Office, Ministry of Health: The elderly population in Iran is rapidly increasing.

ILNA News Agency.

“17 Azar month 1400.”

5- *: From Hafez…

Created By: Razvan Moghadam
May 21, 2022


Elderly Elderly care Harming and harassing the elderly. Monthly Peace Line Magazine peace line Peace Line 133 Reza Mokaddam World Elder Abuse Awareness Day