Shaping the youth in the fields of political and social freedom / Frank Chalak
“Based on human nature, humans are free. However, since humans live in a society and a set of laws governs human communities, this freedom defines a framework for corresponding measures. In this scope of freedom, there is no good or bad, but rather it explains and defines the way justice is obtained in proportion to that freedom. By considering freedom, we can examine political and social freedoms, mutual responsibilities, and ultimately the impact of freedom on the political and social development among young people.”
Freedom in any field is dedicated to responsibility, which is not just a privilege but a set of special rights, each of which entails a reciprocal responsibility. This means that no right has an exclusive or personal aspect, for example, everyone has the right to own a car, but this requires specific responsibilities that society demands from them. For this reason, understanding freedom and responsibility leads to a more responsible approach towards the concept of freedom.
On the other hand, a cognitive and epistemological approach to freedom seems to be a logical necessity. Because one can only be a supporter of freedom when they know what they should take a stance for or against. For example, the conflict and contradiction between determinism and freedom of choice, the clash of traditional, exclusive and arbitrary beliefs against the freedom of creativity, or the dominance of collective power over individual freedom are all examples of understanding freedom. The fact that freedom and how to use it are two different yet related subjects, leads to the understanding that having freedom is not the end, but rather the beginning of a journey.
In this regard, young people need to express their existence, express their opinions, and assert their personalities. Therefore, it is necessary for those around them, including family, friends, and members of society with whom they have a relationship, to recognize this right and provide them with suitable opportunities to facilitate their growth and progress.
Political and social development requires the participation of all members of society, especially young people and adolescents. The goal of political and social development is to increase the participation and competition of social groups in political and social life, along with responsibility. The most important tools for this type of development include: increasing awareness of the recognition and organization of social groups and forces, freedom in political and social participation and competition, the existence of appropriate mechanisms for conflict resolution and violence prevention in political and social life, in order to strengthen and institutionalize political and social stability.
The political and social participation of youth and the education of adolescents, who make up the largest population group in Iran, have a special importance for the development and dynamism of society. This important group, which is one of the social classes, is motivated to participate in political and social activities due to various reasons such as independence, progressiveness, and idealism. Youth and adolescents, as a major part of the human resources of any society, can play a determining role in governing the country through their political and social participation. Therefore, political and social participation, especially political participation, is considered as one of the main indicators of development. The influential factors on the future of youth and adolescent political and social participation can be categorized into several indicators: the social and economic background of the family, individual membership and activities in associations, the activities of parents and friends in various groups and associations, individual inclination towards participation, the inclination of parents and friends towards participation, and finally, the individual’s inclination towards teamwork.
According to Parsons, regarding social mobility, individuals in the organizational sector have three raw tendencies: cognitive tendency leading to understanding, evaluative tendency leading to valuation, and normative tendency leading to norms and values. When the organization encounters culture, these raw tendencies take shape and lead to the formation of a personal system that drives the individual towards goals and results in social actions. The result of these social actions is a social system that determines the real consensus and participation of individuals based on their trust, and the individual becomes a part of this social system.
On the other hand, we should not overlook the role of culture in social and political life. Culture is transmitted and institutionalized through social acceptance and is considered a significant motivating factor in social behavior. Although this function is primarily concentrated in the family and educational system, we should not ignore the educational influence of group media, political and social parties, and professional organizations.
It should be noted that when it comes to individuals’ participation in political affairs, it is necessary for them to acquire information and knowledge as the most important step. However, it should be noted that initial knowledge will not necessarily lead to political participation. This is because behaviors such as political participation require consideration of individual skills and resources available to them.
In continuation of Huntington’s theories on the approach towards modernization, he considers political and social participation as a result of the process of economic and social development. It seems necessary to impact the expansion of participation in two ways. Firstly, through social mobilization, which leads to higher social status and strengthens the individual’s sense of capability, and influences their attitude towards their ability to make decisions. This approach promotes participation in political affairs and social activities. Secondly, organizational communication, including an individual’s membership in groups and social organizations such as labor unions, interest groups, and advocacy groups, increases the likelihood of participation in political and social activities.
He also believes that there is a negative relationship between the expansion of individual social mobility opportunities and political participation in the short term. If an individual can achieve their desired goals, such as improving their economic and social status, by increasing their level of education, transitioning to a higher-paying job, or earning a higher income, they usually refrain from participating in politics and social activities.
In examining the difference between individuals in terms of their willingness or acceptability to participate, two categories of theories are proposed: the first category of theories have an origin and emphasis on belief systems, tendencies, and thoughts. In these theories, which are mostly discussed empirically and more in the field of social psychology, the variable of powerlessness is considered as the most important factor. The second category of theories emphasizes the behavioral aspect and sees behavior as a result of differences in perceived benefits and costs. The main assumption of this perspective is that a behavior is formed, stabilized, and therefore institutionalized when the benefits outweigh the costs. For this reason, participation expands when an individual’s perception of its benefits outweighs the mental perception of its costs. However, it should be noted that such a theory is more applicable in normal and natural conditions.
It should be noted that nowadays, gender is not directly related to meaningful participation in political and social activities among young people and adolescents.
Therefore, in order to have a generation that can have an effective role in political and social activities, it is necessary to teach them from childhood and adolescence the foundations and prerequisites of thinking, acting, and speaking in a free-thinking manner so that they can feel a high sense of responsibility towards their own destiny and society and take on an active and effective role in each of these areas.
In totalitarian systems, efforts have been made to make these indicators less visible compared to developed countries and to maintain political and social freedoms for their respected supporters. However, the fight against participation faces many obstacles from childhood, and the results of this struggle are shown in later years and afterwards in the form of loose and absent cells in various social and political arenas. In this perspective, gender is also important, and women are either prohibited from participating in social and political arenas from childhood or face many obstacles in society during adolescence and afterwards due to dominant thinking and generational upbringing. In these cases, there is a need for intergenerational awareness, which plays a significant role in achieving freedom of thought and self-esteem in facing entry into the mentioned arenas, and is considered a necessity.
45 Number 12345 Frank Chalak Freedom Monthly Peace Line Magazine peace line Political freedom Social freedom The daily problems of today's youth. The problems of young people Youth