“Qasas, a trace of the era of private justice (personal revenge) / Mohammad Moghimi”

Last updated:

August 24, 2024

“Qasas, a trace of the era of private justice (personal revenge) / Mohammad Moghimi”

The term “qisas” is a verbal noun derived from the root “qassa yuqassu”, meaning to follow up on the effect of something. In jurisprudence and law, qisas refers to the punishment of a criminal in a manner similar to the crime committed. For example, the execution of a murderer for committing murder, or blinding a person who has blinded someone else. Qisas is a traditional punishment that dates back to the era of private justice (private revenge). During this time, if a person from one tribe violated the individual rights of a person from another tribe, the act was considered a violation against the entire tribe and there were no limitations on seeking revenge. There was no proportionality between the crime and the punishment, and sometimes the punishment would result in the death of the criminal. For example, if someone was killed by another person, their family, relatives, or tribe would seek revenge and kill the killer, and the new killer would also be killed

Created By: Mohammad Moghimi
September 22, 2020


"Right of existence" Mohammad Moghimi Monthly Peace Line Magazine Number 113 peace line Personal revenge Private Judiciary Retaliation