Last updated:

January 28, 2025

How can we recognize and cope with our inner homophobia? / Azita Dosti

Homophobia, which in Persian translates to homophobia, is a term that refers to negative and discriminatory attitudes towards homosexuality. This word may be used to describe any kind of unfair behavior towards all sexual minorities. These negative attitudes may target the appearance and clothing, orientation, lifestyle, type of sexual relationship, or even behaviors and personalities of sexual minorities. The range of homophobia is very broad: from overt violence, attempts to eliminate and even kill homosexuals, to efforts to “treat” sexual minorities. It can also manifest in subtle and hidden forms, such as discriminatory beliefs and common phrases.

Many people claim that they have no problem with sexual minorities, but… (they usually follow this “but” with their homophobic beliefs). For example:
– But they shouldn’t donate blood.
– But I don’t want my child’s teacher to be homosexual.
– But I hope my child doesn’t become homosexual!
Is homophobia a type of irrational fear of homosexuals?!
Phobia in English means an

What are homophobic beliefs?

In general, homophobic beliefs can be classified into one of the following six categories:
1. Beliefs that try to portray same-sex attraction as a disease, a crime, less “normal”, deserving of pity or punishment. For example, “Homosexuality is a type of mental illness that is caused by such and such and needs to be treated.”
One of the most common of these beliefs, especially among Iranians, is to confuse the topic of homosexuality with other issues such as child sexual abuse. While homosexuality is a consensual, adult relationship between two same-sex individuals, it has no connection to child sexual abuse – which is considered a crime worldwide.
2. Beliefs that deprive individuals with same-sex attraction of their rights and privileges that other members of society have, or try to separate this group from others. For example, “It is not right for same-sex couples to have children or become guardians of a child” or “It is better for these individuals not to talk about their attraction

Created By: Azita Dousti
May 21, 2020


Azita friendship Gender minority Gender rights Homophobia Homosexual racism Monthly Peace Line Magazine Number 109 peace line Sexual minority