The policy of promoting sadness and creating social divisions is a threat to social and mental health. / Mary Mohammadi
1 – Negative Freedom: Refers to the absence of any external barriers – such as political, social, economic, and cultural powers, as well as fellow citizens – in the realization of legitimate freedoms – such as freedom of belief, speech, criticism, and expression – that do not violate the legitimate freedoms, rights, and privacy of others.
Positive Freedom: Refers to the ability of individuals to make good and righteous choices in personal and social matters, regardless of external authorities.
2 – As a human rights activist and one of the individuals who was attacked, physically assaulted, insulted, and verbally abused on a bus over the issue of hijab, to the point where I was injured and bleeding from my face, I am fully aware of the feelings and mental state of those who are targeted by the enforcers of good.
3 – A detailed examination, root cause analysis, and damage assessment of the transformation of the hijab issue (an inherently social and cultural issue) into a
"Bringing social classes face to face" Mary Mohammadi Monthly Peace Line Magazine peace line Promotion of sadness