Four poems for the peace of slaughter – Bakhtash Abtin
1 Complexity is complicated, borders are complicated, geography is complicated, the world is complicated. اقیانوس
The third of the oppressed, poor, and rough! It is complicated, the mass suicide of whales in the ocean.
The coast is simple, but the suffocated passports of immigrants on boats.
“Third world, the sacrifice! Bread and death are cheap in you.” ای من
I wish telescopes could discover you instead of Mars for me.
“They wanted a wounded, sad, death-stricken third world!” ترجمه جنگ چیست؟
What is language? And what is the translation of war? What is pain? And what is the translation of war?
What is the translation of tears? Take your index finger off the trigger Soldier. مترجم گلوله!
Oh translator of bullets! I speak to you, oh war, oh translator of bullets! هر کسی را به خود میکشانی
War, oh war! You silence all languages and draw everyone towards yourself.
“Bomb leaves people’s resentment in any language.” ی
“Repairing a human is hell without you, oh poetry! You are a dream.”
I am writing about human repair and it encompasses the entire world. کنم
I am looking for a hand to turn the bullet into a white flag. ونی
I love a slow magic like this, 4 dark, inner.
A narrow well A clear question in my dark world You are happier
Who are you? Are you stronger or are you lonelier?
What difference does it make whether it’s a skull in Kabul or Washington?!
Baktash Abtin Poetry پیمان صلح ماهنامه خط صلح ماهنامه خط صلح