Homeland in Spring – A poem by Mustafa Sepahnia
The scent of the breeze, grass, and basil has arrived, it is spring.
The pulse of the homeland has been taken its mountains have been drawn upon. برد
On top of his head, he carried a purple flower from the snowy plains in his embrace.
It has captured the melody of its own playful tune from the river. را برداشت
The excitement of the gushing springs has even taken hold of the pine trees, which have endured the winter. انه
It was emphasized that from spring, the promise of healing has been received like a cloud. مینوشم
Sitting on the edge of the sunny courtyard, I am sipping the drizzle of rain in his garden.
It has taken a breath from the earth and fallen into a deep sleep.
Fly, this flower has captured the scent of spring. ایران
Our land is beautiful and in this season it is truly magnificent, as if it is the glory of the garden of Iran.
Razvan has taken it, or, O Almighty, your own plan of grace. روی بوم و نقشهی ایران گرفته است
It has been taken from the land and map of Iran. توست
This air, the murmur of the river, and the scent of flowers are all intoxicated by your presence. است
The nightingale has taken flight and has adorned the face of the night sky.
I looked and saw the shining moon has taken hold of our chest.
Oh Lord, do not allow anyone to humiliate this land.
“Who has gained fame in Iran”
Mustafa Sepehrnia Norooz Peace Line 131 Poetry Spring پیمان صلح ماهنامه خط صلح ماهنامه خط صلح