Last updated:

January 28, 2025

Rezvaneh Mohammadi

The end of a desired pregnancy; a lost right/ Rezvaneh Mohammadi

In most societies, the decision to end a pregnancy is more influenced by tradition, patriarchy, and the dominant religion of the community than the pregnant person’s own wishes – who carries the embryo in their body. Most Abrahamic religions do not consider women as having an independent identity, and instead, the law and then the […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
April 20, 2024

“Elimination of Minorities from the Literary Scene of Iran/ Rezvaneh Mohammadi”

Narrative literature in Iran has been tangled with the perspective of the majority and their definition of voices and narratives that are of interest to the general society. As a result, communities or individuals who are not considered part of this majority have no place in the literary scene. Marginalized communities in any country not […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
October 23, 2023

Rajai Shahr, one of the worst prisons in Iran; why is it closing down?/ Rezvaneh Mohammadi

The closure of prisons in Iran and the transfer of prisoners to other prisons in the province or new buildings – especially in recent years – is an unprecedented matter. In fact, according to the Sixth Development Plan, the Prison Organization and Correctional and Rehabilitation Measures of the country are obligated to expedite the transfer […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
May 22, 2023

Feminism and historical revolutions towards a gender-inclusive society/Razvaneh Mohammadi

During recent months, after the transphobic remarks of the famous British writer J.K. Rowling, some cisgender feminists came to her defense, believing that their experience as women is not being recognized enough and their voices were at risk of being silenced. They argued that the oppression experienced by cisgender women has been overshadowed by the […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
January 20, 2021

A look at the laws and punishments for homosexuality during the past 13 years in Iran / Rezvaneh Mohammadi

Recently, in the month of Khordad this year, the Herana news agency reported on the summoning and interrogation of a number of members of the sexual and gender minority community following their presence in popular Instagram live streams. According to the report, these individuals have been threatened that if they continue their activities, they will […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
September 22, 2020

Love and Relationship in Prison; “Mat Bazi” The Secret Name of Suppression/Rezvaneh Mohammadi

When the topic of love is brought up in prison, most likely everyone thinks of a romantic relationship between a man and a woman who have been separated, or a romantic relationship between a mother and her child. And when the topic of family is brought up, people will only imagine a heterosexual family. But […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
August 22, 2020

Why is “women against women” a sign of misunderstanding of feminism? / Rezvaneh Mohammadi

In recent years, the phrase “women against women” has been used on social networks to describe some patriarchal or anti-women events. This concept is also used to describe the oppression of “women against women”. It seems that in literature, discrimination against a group is more shameful when the perpetrator is from the same group. Are […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
April 20, 2020

Homeless and the issue of sexual identity; Conversation with a Citizen/Razvaneh Mohammadi

International laws on human rights recognize the right to adequate housing for all, regardless of gender, age, or status. This right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (adopted in 1966). This issue is considered so important that the United Nations has […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
October 23, 2019

Different approaches to dealing with sexual work; the situation of sexual minorities in this field / Rezvaneh Mohammadi

Notes: 1- The Impact of the Swedish Model in France: A Chronicle 2- Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and the Effects of the Law: A Study...

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Created By: Admin
September 23, 2019

Sexual minorities in prison; the challenge of categorizing prisoners based on gender / Rezvaneh Mohammadi

“The prison should be nothing but deprivation of freedom.” (Georges Pompidou, President of France 1974-1981) Michel Foucault sees the prison as a mechanism for behavior modification, made possible by the deprivation of freedom within the legal system. (Surveillance and Punishment, 288) Sexual minorities, like other members of society, may violate laws and be sentenced to […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
August 23, 2019

Sexual minorities and the dual stereotype of gender/Rezvaneh Mohammadi

“متن راست چین” “Right-aligned text” Razvaneh Mohammadi Sexism refers to any form of discrimination, prejudice, or bias based on gender or sex. This term gained popularity during the second wave of feminism and the period between the 1960s and 1980s. Sexism can include giving superiority to one gender over another or limiting the abilities of […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
July 23, 2019