Last updated:

January 28, 2025


“Naghbi on the conflict between censorship and writers in Iran/ Benjamin Abbasi”

“Censorship” is the nightmare of every artist, writer, and thinker. This nightmare is present in the realm of “literature” and is a subject of conflict between Iranian writers and it, which is the topic of this writing. In our country, censorship, deletion, and distortion of the works of artists and intellectuals have been systematically and […]...

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Created By: Benyamin Abbasi
April 20, 2024

Publishing industry, under the oxygen mask; conversation with Hassan Kiaian, manager of Cheshme publishing/ Matin Mostafaei

The circulation of books in the country is decreasing and bookstores are going bankrupt or changing their profession. Newspapers and written media in Iran have also been struggling to survive for several years. Sometimes they have not published one or two issues for various reasons, or have reduced the number of pages. At times, they […]...

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Created By: Matin Mostafaei
October 23, 2023

“Return to the book, the true book!/ Saeed Barabadi”

The file of reading books by people around the world, especially Iranians, has changed significantly due to the coronavirus and long-term quarantines afterwards. However, in order to better understand this change, we must consider and accept the new types of reading in statistics, and acknowledge that all audio and visual products that are currently being […]...

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Created By: Saeed Barabadi
October 23, 2023

Critical Thinking/ Sayed Mohammad Safi

My colleagues from “Peace Line” have asked me to share some points with our esteemed readers about the role of literature in fostering critical thinking and to encourage those interested to explore this necessary matter. How can accessing and researching the ancient literary roots of our culture contribute to the expansion and development of “critical […]...

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Created By: Seyed Mohammad Sohofi
October 23, 2023

Our culture and its relationship with democracy / Majid Shia Ali

You have probably encountered views that suggest democracy requires cultural prerequisites and that society lacks these prerequisites culturally. To justify this view, various comparisons are made to belittle Iranian society compared to developed countries. From driving in heavy city traffic compared to driving conditions in Northern European countries, to the proposal of a per capita […]...

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Created By: Majid Shia’ali
October 23, 2023

“Elimination of Minorities from the Literary Scene of Iran/ Rezvaneh Mohammadi”

Narrative literature in Iran has been tangled with the perspective of the majority and their definition of voices and narratives that are of interest to the general society. As a result, communities or individuals who are not considered part of this majority have no place in the literary scene. Marginalized communities in any country not […]...

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Created By: Razvaneh Mohammadi
October 23, 2023

Censorship, Reality, and Myths / Ahmad Faal

If we interpret myths as a desire for control and domination over reality, it may not be an exaggeration to say that most of us humans have a tendency towards myth-making. Our beliefs and convictions are a form of myth-making about real matters. The theories that arise in the humanities or even in technical and […]...

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Created By: Ahmad Fa’al
October 23, 2023

The emergence of storytelling and the art of soil/ Morteza Hamounian

They tell us a story and want us to believe it as they have said it. Speech is the one that prevails, and its assumption is that no one questions the victor. They make their own narrative, define their own history, and with the reinterpretation of everything, they also appropriate concepts for their own benefit. […]...

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Created By: Admin
October 23, 2023

A look at the pen against the sword of censorship / Arash Chakari

Censorship, subjective monitoring in cultural affairs, removal of artistic content through legal and illegal means, forced revision and rewriting, imposition of cultural preferences on the content of works, threats and intimidation, and countless other words and lines can be considered as subsets of this word: “censorship”; which is another name for all the lines above. […]...

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Created By: Admin
October 23, 2023

From the enlightenment movement to women, life, freedom / Reza Najafi

A few notes about protest literature in Iran. When discussing “protest literature,” some may think that our understanding of this concept is synonymous or closely related to “commitment in literature” or, in another reading, “committed literature”; an understanding that itself has a “leftist” color and smell. Although “leftist literature” is also an example of this […]...

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Created By: Reza Najafi
November 22, 2022

Suspended Pieces; Short Story: Hamid Karimifar, Painting: Farzaneh Faraji, Poetry: Baktash Abtin

Short Story: Escape from the Gathering, written by Hamid Karimifar. Mr. Basharat had arrived with a saddle, a green orc, and a pair of Kauchu glasses. Before anything else, he gave himself the right to be the first to bring out the food, to be the first to eat, to warm his head a little, […]...

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Created By: Admin
June 21, 2020

Discourse Analysis of “The First Day of the Grave” by Sadegh Choubak/Ghazaleh Mohammadi

Collection at the level of interpretation. The decade of fifty is a return to oneself. Or, to put it better, it is a decade of awakening and self-discovery, and a slow exploration of the past and roots. In this decade, as evidenced by many works, one of the sensitivities is the depiction of rural life. […]...

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Created By: Ghazaleh Mohammadi
January 21, 2020