Last updated:

January 28, 2025


Freedom of thought and resistance against cultural limitations / Mehrdad Naghibi

The dismissive and belittling approach towards independent intellectuals was not limited to the post-revolution and the rule of the Islamic Republic, but even before the revolution, independent intellectuals were also subjected to ridicule and threats from the ruling government. The approach of negating intellectualism has not only been promoted and justified by the government, but […]...

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Created By: Mehrdad Naghavi
January 21, 2024

A few brief reflections on the crises of books in Iran / Reza Najafi

Book and reading in Iran are facing multiple crises because, on one hand, they are inheriting global problems such as the decline of the book market due to the emergence of powerful competitors like cinema, television, virtual space, and various computer games, as well as new media such as audio works, and on the other […]...

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Created By: Reza Najafi
October 23, 2023

“Return to the book, the true book!/ Saeed Barabadi”

The file of reading books by people around the world, especially Iranians, has changed significantly due to the coronavirus and long-term quarantines afterwards. However, in order to better understand this change, we must consider and accept the new types of reading in statistics, and acknowledge that all audio and visual products that are currently being […]...

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Created By: Saeed Barabadi
October 23, 2023

Critical Thinking/ Sayed Mohammad Safi

My colleagues from “Peace Line” have asked me to share some points with our esteemed readers about the role of literature in fostering critical thinking and to encourage those interested to explore this necessary matter. How can accessing and researching the ancient literary roots of our culture contribute to the expansion and development of “critical […]...

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Created By: Seyed Mohammad Sohofi
October 23, 2023

If “City of Books” becomes the world of books/ Hermoz Sharifian

The position and culture of reading books in Iran is so esteemed and respected that parents and teachers in schools, from the very first years of education, introduce books as humans’ best friend and encourage children to read, and of course, they still do so. Of course, verbal encouragement alone is not enough to establish […]...

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Created By: Hormoz Sharifian
October 23, 2023

Our culture and its relationship with democracy / Majid Shia Ali

You have probably encountered views that suggest democracy requires cultural prerequisites and that society lacks these prerequisites culturally. To justify this view, various comparisons are made to belittle Iranian society compared to developed countries. From driving in heavy city traffic compared to driving conditions in Northern European countries, to the proposal of a per capita […]...

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Created By: Majid Shia’ali
October 23, 2023

The Last Breaths of Literature in Iran / Keyumars Amiri

Undoubtedly, since the time that humans learned to read and write and were able to share their experiences with others, especially future generations, and preserve their achievements through this magnificent phenomenon of empirical science, they laid the foundation for human civilization and continued to progress. From that time until now, humanity has achieved many great […]...

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Created By: Kiomars Amiri
October 23, 2023

Non-compliance with international copyright laws and its impact on book publishing in Iran / Abdullah Bai Lashki

Iran, known for its rich literary heritage and ancient tradition of intellectualism, has served as a vibrant hub for writers, publishers, and literature enthusiasts for centuries. In a space where poetry, prose, and scientific works thrive, Iranian literary contributions both within and outside of the country have had a lasting impact. However, the emergence of […]...

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Created By: Abdullah Bai Lashaki
October 23, 2023

The emergence of storytelling and the art of soil/ Morteza Hamounian

They tell us a story and want us to believe it as they have said it. Speech is the one that prevails, and its assumption is that no one questions the victor. They make their own narrative, define their own history, and with the reinterpretation of everything, they also appropriate concepts for their own benefit. […]...

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Created By: Admin
October 23, 2023

University, intellectuals, and revolutionary situation/ Farhad Morabi

The revolutionary space has its own necessities; its own applications, requirements, and theoretical and practical considerations. In this space, everything can have a multifaceted and sometimes contradictory nature. One of the challenges of the current revolutionary space in Iran is the need for reassessment and rethinking of the possibilities and essence of the various theoretical […]...

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Created By: Farhad Mehrabi
December 22, 2022

Feminism; a movement for men? / Nahid Dostdar

This is a caption [/caption] This is a caption. Naeimeh Dostdar In the past, there has been a discussion among feminists – who have mainly been women for historical reasons – about whether men can also be feminists. Should men, who are believed by many to be the main agents of patriarchal and gender-based inequality […]...

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Created By: Naeimeh Doustar
May 24, 2016