Last updated:

January 28, 2025

Economic collapse

Is the government leading the economy towards a cliff? A conversation with Dr. Farshad Momeni, economist/ Matin Mostafaei.

In the past 16 months, the economy of Iran has experienced and will continue to experience complicated conditions in the coming days and months. Amidst this, the widespread economic crises in the country have added to the tightening of the economic situation for citizens to the point that now the term “economic collapse” is heard […]...

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Created By: Matin Mostafaei
March 21, 2023

The Collapse of Iran’s Economy: From Possibility to Reality / Amir Aghaei

“L’Echo”, the oldest and most reputable economic newspaper in France, years ago in one of its issues dated October 12, 2010, published a confidential report written by “Yves Bordelon”, an economic expert and writer. The report, based on the confidential information from prominent Iranian economists, warned about the imminent “collapse of the Iranian economy” under […]...

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Created By: Amir Aghayi
March 21, 2023

Dollar on the rise again / Rezvan Rezaei Orzaman

In the past three months, the price of the dollar has increased twice and has crossed the forty thousand tomans mark. Government officials have attributed these increases to disruptive forces in the market, while fundamental factors and supply and demand in the market have also played a role in these fluctuations. Seasonal demand, intensified sanctions, […]...

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Created By: Rezvan Razaei Orzaman
January 21, 2023