Last updated:

January 28, 2025

Behzad Mehrani

Public execution of human dignity / Behzad Mehrani

There is no Farsi text provided to translate. Please provide the Farsi text to be translated. Behzad Mehrani Perhaps we use fewer words with positive connotations that are not used in the discourse of the ruling system in Iran. When we speak of freedom, justice, human rights, human dignity, or the right to life, we […]...

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Created By: Behzad Mehrani
June 22, 2016

Enjoining good and forbidding evil and the authority of religious identity/ Behzad Mehrani

“Enjoining good and forbidding evil holds a special place in the intellectual and practical framework of Muslims. Although this action is not a religious decree, it is considered a fundamental principle in Islamic jurisprudence. Many Muslims believe that performing these two actions is necessary for the preservation and survival of the religion’s essence and foundation. […]...

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Created By: Behzad Mehrani
December 25, 2014