Narrative literature in Iran has been tangled with the perspective of the majority and their definition of voices and narratives that are of interest to the general society. As a result, communities or individuals who are not considered part of this majority have no place in the literary scene. Marginalized communities in any country not […]...
The issue is still about power. As long as one group exercises power over another and there is inequality and discrimination, violence will continue to be reproduced in various forms. Gender-based violence is not exempt from this, but the difference is that it occurs in the most private sphere of individuals; where the foundation of […]...
Honour killing is one form of violence against women where, under the pretext of protecting their honour, the right to life is taken away from the victim. The victims of honour killings are usually unmarried girls who are killed by their father, brother, or husband. Reasons such as refusing forced marriages and engaging in romantic […]...
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a dangerous threat that can lead to a decrease in personal and professional quality of life, jeopardize the well-being of both men and women, weaken gender equality, and impose costs on companies and organizations. In recent years, movements around the world have formed to draw more attention to the […]...
Migration is a phenomenon that has a long history in human culture and history, especially among Iranians (the pioneers of migration literature in Iran, such as famous writers like Bozorg Alavi and Sadeq Hedayat). By examining all aspects of it, it is clear that the motivations for [forced] migration in recent years have been more […]...
Writing about the violation of fundamental family rights of LGTB+ individuals in an oppressive and patriarchal society like Iran is like writing with a fragile candle in the midst of a storm of darkness and injustice. More than two hundred years have passed since the French Revolution and more than a hundred years since the […]...
During recent months, after the transphobic remarks of the famous British writer J.K. Rowling, some cisgender feminists came to her defense, believing that their experience as women is not being recognized enough and their voices were at risk of being silenced. They argued that the oppression experienced by cisgender women has been overshadowed by the […]...
Notes: 1- Herana News Agency, News Code: 23882 2- The test that shows the replication of the virus and the number of virus copies in infected individuals....
Economic crises, especially in recent years and with the spread of the coronavirus virus, have greatly affected all aspects of human life and have also caused serious problems in meeting basic needs. In the midst of this, vulnerable and marginalized groups have faced even more pressure and serious damages, including sexual minorities. Sexual minorities, due […]...
Recently, in the month of Khordad this year, the Herana news agency reported on the summoning and interrogation of a number of members of the sexual and gender minority community following their presence in popular Instagram live streams. According to the report, these individuals have been threatened that if they continue their activities, they will […]...
When the topic of love is brought up in prison, most likely everyone thinks of a romantic relationship between a man and a woman who have been separated, or a romantic relationship between a mother and her child. And when the topic of family is brought up, people will only imagine a heterosexual family. But […]...
In general, aging and increasing age is a challenging phenomenon. However, living as an elderly person can bring other challenges in addition to the usual challenges faced by older individuals. In a society where sexual and gender minorities are faced with systematic oppression and pressure from the Islamic Republic, and where being in a same-sex […]...