Book Introduction – Domestic Violence: Women Beaten

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Book Introduction – Domestic Violence: Women Beaten

The book “Domestic Violence: Beaten Women” is written by Shahla Azizi. Shahla Azizi, who received her PhD from the University of Vienna, is a researcher, sociologist, member of the faculty of Allameh Tabataba’i University, and a professor at the university in fields such as sociology and women’s studies.

The above-mentioned book encompasses the results of a qualitative research on 53 women who sought counseling at family counseling centers in Tehran from Tir month of 1376 to the end of Dey month of the same year, and consists of three parts. The first part introduces the reader to domestic violence and its personal and social significance. The second part examines various sociologists’ perspectives on domestic violence, and the third part presents the findings of a research conducted through private interviews.

The author writes about the reason for choosing the term “domestic violence” in this book: “The term domestic violence refers to acts of violence that are usually carried out by one family member (usually men) against other family members. This phenomenon has been referred to by various names such as domestic violence, spousal abuse, women’s abuse, beating women, and child abuse. In this book, we will use the common term domestic violence because the focus is on domestic violence, its characteristics, and its impact on social life.”

Dr. Shahla Azazi writes: “Domestic violence is influenced by social violence; meaning when the structure of society is violent, the family, as one of the institutions of society, will reflect the violent structure of society, which is rooted in either laws or preserved customs and traditions. Domestic violence returns to society and, on the other hand, domestic violence reinforces violent norms in society; creating a cycle that constantly reinforces each other and makes society more violent. A child who only learns in their family that the solution to problems is through physical violence, will also resort to violence and fighting in society at the first opportunity. In this case, the horror of violence disappears and not only do they engage in violence on the streets, but they also repeat it at home… We cannot say that this man hit his wife and that’s the end of it; the child who stands in the corner and is not beaten, will hit people in society tomorrow, including their own child and their wife. That is

Although this book, as mentioned, was written based on the results of a research conducted in 1376, naturally, significant changes have occurred in statistics and figures over the past two decades. However, due to the lack of independent research in Iran, “Domestic Violence: Women Being Beaten” is a valuable resource in the field of violence against women and can still be used by interested parties.

Book Name: Domestic Violence: Beaten Women

Author: Shahla Ezzazi


Publisher: Annual

Publication Date: Tehran – February 2002

Created By: Admin
May 23, 2016


Domestic violence Domestic violence: Women being beaten. Introduction to the book Monthly Peace Line Magazine Shahla Azazi ماهنامه خط صلح