Farzads do not die; in memory of the fourth anniversary of Farzad Kamangar’s execution/ Hamid Rahmani.
Every year around the nineteenth of Ordibehesht, I review all the news and memories that formed in my mind from the year eighty-five and the arrest of a Kurdish teacher…
Every day that passed, I waited to see what our society’s judicial system would do with a teacher more than the day before.
Days passed and the news only spoke of individual cells, torture, and execution orders, while on the other hand, there was support from both the people and the international community for a imprisoned teacher. I carefully followed all of these events and understood the students’ longing for their teacher’s return, and I felt the teacher’s longing for the school environment and her students with all my heart through Farzad’s letters.
“When I read that ‘I wake up with you beside these tall walls, I laugh with you and sleep with you,’ I was waiting for someone to pay the price for this much love for a teacher and return a loving teacher to the embrace of their school; but unfortunately, this eagerness for teaching was crushed every day and moved from one prison to another, from one chain to another, from one cell to another, and I could never believe that one day our country would see such longing for school hanging in the morning air…”
I have never received an answer about this and I have been wondering who will answer the longings of Media…?
But I only know that this sound always echoes from all the schools: “Frazadis never die.”
Frazad means scream!
The cry of an impatient teacher.
Restless from the suffering of deprived children
Deprived of the most basic right of being a girl or a boy.
Being in a world full of distance, separation, and discrimination…
Frazad means scream!
Cry of deprivation
Deprivation of a world called school.
A school full of young students sitting and watching.
Watching the fall of green leaves and the strange death of desires…
Frazad means scream!
The endless cry of a heart.
The fluttering heart of the love bird in the sky.
The sky is dark and covered with black clouds of darkness.
The injustice and tyranny that have filled the village with misery…
Frazad means scream!
The rapid cry of a waterfall
“Crystal clear and full of honesty”
Friendship and transparency of rain from the river.
A river full of empty spaces for little black fish…
Magazine number 37